
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Jennifer Lawrence with Glamour

The magazine is now available for purchase and Down With the Capitol shared some of the interview.

"On her archery and survival skills:
Unfortunately I’m never really in a real life-situations where I can use it. I’m not like, “Oh a deer. Let me go get my bow and arrow.” Or “It’s OK. I know hand to hand combat.”
On whether it was harder to shoot the death of Rue or to read about it.
It’s one thing when there’s an 11 year old being shot and dying in book, and another when you are actually holding that 11 year old. Even knowing it’s all fake – it’s just horrible. That was one of the hardest scenes I’ve ever shot. When we shot it we were like, “People are going to walk out of the theater. This is absolutely awful. This can’t happen.” Compared to that the other tributes had it coming.
On prop souvenirs:
I have arrows! The other day my friends were in my car, sitting in the backseat with all my junk, and they’re like, “What are these? Spears? I’d been driving around with my arrows in the car. I’m not even sure if that’s legal.
On going from the woods to the Capitol:
Those were great…I had been running around in cargo pants and a jacket. And peeing behind the bushes…I didn’t have to. I just thought they were cleaner than the Porta-Pottys. I was so ready for heels. I wanted to be in a dress. I wanted to put make-up on."

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