
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lenny Kravitz talks about Cinna's Style

Collider talked to Lenny Kravitz about music, acting, and Hunger Games!

"Talk a little bit about your look in the movie.  You have a little bit of makeup going.  I haven’t read the book.  In the book, how much is that you, and talk a little bit about the middle ground.
KRAVITZ: I talked about the gold, but I wasn’t sure how outrageous he was, or could be.  A lot of kids who read the book, when they thought I was playing Cinna said, “Oh, you’re playing the gay guy.  The really flamboyant guy.”  People don’t really know— like, what is he?  I guess they also assume because he’s a stylist and he’s got gold eyeliner.  But what I thought was interesting was let’s make him right down the middle.  You don’t know what he is.  It doesn’t matter.  Let’s pull him back.  Gary [Ross] and I spoke and we were like, “Let’s pull him back.”  And I was like, “Yeah, I see him more as a Tom Ford or an Yves Saint Laurent.”  Great designers, they dress classic.  That was my inspiration.That’s the portrayal I saw on screen.  You act selectively.  You don’t do a lot of movies.  What was it about the material and this character that you’re like, “I want to be a part of this.”
KRAVITZ: I fell in love with the book.  As soon as Gary called—because I didn’t know what the book was—he offers me the role and says I can have the role.  Just show up.  But I’m like, “I don’t know what the hell this is.”  So I read the book and fell in love with the book.  Thought it was great storytelling.  I’ve been wanting to move forward after Precious.  I really enjoy doing this.  Here was a good opportunity to work with a great director, a great book, a great cast.  I was like, “I’m in.”What was the reaction when you started telling friends or family that you were going to be doing this.
KRAVITZ: Well, I didn’t know how big the book was.  So I’m telling people and all these kids are like, “What?  You’re doing Hunger Games?  You’re playing Cinna?”  Everywhere I was going.  And I was like, “How did I miss this?”  Everybody’s kid had read the book.  Everyone.  Even adults: “Oh, I read the book, too.  The books are great.  I read all three of them.”  “Really?”  People were blown away that I got this.  All of a sudden my cool factor went up with the youth, man."

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