
Monday, March 26, 2012

How Many Times Did Isabelle Fuhrman Read the Books?

Isabelle Furhman (Clove) says that she has read the entire series nine times and the first book 13 times! She also talks about her training for the movie.

"ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: When did you first get acquainted with the books?ISABELLE FUHRMAN: Well my agent actually is the one who gave me the first book when Lionsgate had first optioned it, and I read it that night. And then the next day I bought the second one, and read it that night. And then I had to wait until August for the third one to come out, which sucked. But then I read the third one immediately. I’ve read the [full] series nine times now, and the first book 13 [times]. [Chuckling] So I’m a little bit of a fan of it.
Immediately, I was drawn to Katniss, of course. Everyone is. It’s written through her eyes. I wrote a letter to Gary Ross asking if I could audition for it. My agent ended up getting me an audition with [casting director] Debra Zane. I was told I was too young, because I’m 14. So I thought there was no way I was going to be in this movie, but they called asking if I wanted to audition for Clove, like a week later. And here I am.
Wait, you’re 14?Well, I’m 15 now. Still getting used to that. Just turned 15.
When they finally offered you the role, did you want to do it right away?I cried, I was so happy. I was so ecstatic, because, as I said, I was such a huge fan of the books. It was one of those moments where you don’t believe it actually happened. But it did.
What was your training like for Clove?Originally, they wanted me to gain 10 pounds of muscle. And I only had two weeks to do that, which was impossible because I’m, well, very tiny. So they decided just to have me get leaner and more toned. So I ended up getting some muscle tone on me. Because the way Clove is described in the book is this big and burly character, and I’m so not. I really tried to compensate for that with my acting ability and become her physically as much as I can, do all my stunts, and learn how to actually throw knives and combat training and all that.
Learning how to throw knives — what was that like?It was very interesting. I don’t have that strong of an arm, so it was starting with throwing a tennis ball at a target [with] the right form. And then move to a baseball. And then move to plastic knives. And then move to duct-tape-and-cardboard knives. And then move to the actual knives. A lot of it was physics, and knowing how much force to put on the knife. The knife goes three knife-lengths every rotation — a lot times I’d throw it, and it’d end up with the butt end in, and the blade would be sticking out. Which is not what you want to do.
So a lot of practice. I worked, as I said, for two weeks on really perfecting it because I wanted it to be as professional as possible. That’s what [Clove] has been training for her entire life.
By the end, how accurate were you?I can throw right on. Bulls-eye, yeah. It’s very interesting, because now I have a lot better aim with throwing a tennis ball for my dogs. It’s definitely a skill I’m hoping to keep up with, even though it’s very odd.
The cornucopia scene — what was that filming day like? We rehearsed it for a week, and then it took a week to film every single part of it. There’s running in, and each character’s finding a weapon, and fighting for certain things. We were very excited, because the cornucopia were the first scenes we filmed. That’s where we became very close — we call talked with each other and bonded. When we first met, funny enough, it was, “Hi, I’m Dayo [Okeniyi], I’m playing Thresh, I kill you in the movie.”
Source: Entertainment Weekly

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