
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jennifer Lawrence on the Cover of Rolling Stone

Jennifer Lawrence is on another cover! This time it is Rolling Stone, who also calls her America's Kick Ass Sweetheart. We also have a super funny excerpt from the article.

“Dude!” says Jennifer Lawrence into her cellphone. “I’m lost as fuck! I’ve been driving around for, like, 10 minutes. Where the hell is this place?”
She’s looking for a horse stable. We have plans to go horseback riding in the canyons above Malibu, but neither of us can find the place. I tell her to pull over and I’ll come find her.
The most talented young actress in America is idling on a side street in her white Volkswagen, in blue jeans, a gray T-shirt and designer shades. Her naturally blond hair is pulled back in a loose ponytail, and her elbows are sticking out the open window. She’s famous for playing vulnerable young women with wills of steel, as with her Oscar-nominated turn in Winter’s Bone, or as the bow-and-arrow-toting Katniss Everdeen in the just-released Hunger Games. Right now her face says she means business.
“I have to pee so bad.”
We drive a little more and find the stable, which, it turns out, isn’t a stable, just a red-dirt parking lot where a horse trailer is parked. Lawrence jumps out of the VW and is off like a flash, running off down the trail in search of a bush. Two twentysomething hiker babes in sunglasses and sports bras, SoCal trail chic, do a double take as she sprints past. Was that…?"
You can read more at the link above. The issue will be available on March 30.

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