
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Zooey Magazine with Jackie Emerson

Zooey magazine interview Jackie Emerson.

"Zooey Magazine: I hear you got into Stanford! That’s incredible, congratulations!
Jacqueline Emerson: Thank you! I’m really excited.
ZM: Are you going to go?
JE: I’m definitely going to go. I’m either going to go next year or the year after, just because everything is kind of taking off right now so I’m thinking about deferring. But, I’m very excited because that was my first choice. I went in for Early Action, and I got in. So, I had to email all the other colleges and was like, “Sorry!”
ZM: So tell us, what does a day in the life of Jacqueline look like?
JE: Well, every day I go to school. I’m a senior. I’m a singer/songwriter. I just released my second music video called “Catch me if you can”.
I love playing piano and hanging out with my friends. I am obsessed with Disney movies. Tangled. Enchanted. I have always wanted to be Giselle from Enchanted, because I want my life to be a musical. I’m in drama ensemble. So this entire quarter I’ve been going to rehearsal every day after school for my school play. However, I am not acting in it because I had to miss the first week of shows for press tours. But, I’m assistant-directing it. So that’s been a great experience.
Recently I’ve gotten to do some pretty cool events and meet people that I have always looked up to. That’s been amazing.
I’m definitely a family person. I’m like the only teenager in the world who doesn’t want to leave their family. My parents are my best friends. My sisters are my best friends. I love my family so much.
ZM: So, when you go to Stanford are you moving out by yourself?
JE: Well, yeah. But the good thing is, is that it’s only a half an hour plane flight away. It’s not like I’m going to New York or somewhere as far as that.
ZM: Do you have a bucket list? And if so, what is on it?
JE: I would LOVE to work with [Martin] Scorsese, at any point in my life. I just love his work so much. Other than that, everything is pretty much just acting and singing related. I want to perform on the Staples Center stage. The only concerts I’ve ever been to, have been there. It’s always been that pinnacle for me. Also, I have to be on the Ellen Show. That is definitely on my bucket list. I love her show, it’s my favorite.
ZM: After this huge movie comes out (The Hunger Games), what’s next for you?
JE: I’m hopefully going to be going back into the studio and recording some more music. I wasn’t able to go on any more auditions first semester, because I was applying to colleges. But, I just signed with a new manager, so I plan on going on more auditions. So, hopefully I’ll have a new project pretty soon.
ZM: Which did you fall in love with first? Was it music or was it acting?
JE: It was literally exactly the same time for both. Because the first thing I ever did in either of them was the musical Annie, when I was six years old. That’s when I fell in love with both singing and acting. After that I started going to musical theater acting camp over the summer. I really just fully immersed myself in it."
Source: Zooey Magazine

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