
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Stop Kony!

I know this isn't Hunger Games related, but yet it is. Both topics are about injustices done to the innocent children and fighting back. They are about standing up for what we believe in. If you haven't heard about Stop Kony, he is an African war criminal that abducts children. The children that are abducted are forced to kill people, including their parents. We must show our support so our country can fight against Kony. Make sure you sign the petition, get an action kit, donate, and show your support on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, any social account you have! Spread the word by mouth!

Please watch this video. It is 30 minutes, which is long, but is worth every second. It explains everything better than I ever could and is jaw dropping and makes you want to take action.

Show your support and be a Mockingjay!

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