
Monday, March 12, 2012

Collider talks to Elizabeth Banks, Lenny Kravitz, and Wes Bentley

Collider interviewed Elizabeth Banks, Lenny Kravitz, Wes Bentley at the HG press conference.

"Elizabeth, how much fun was it to totally disappear into the character?
BANKS: It’s really fun to watch yourself disappear in the movie every day, and watch Effie appear. It required a full transformation. I never knew how old she was, in reading the book. She could be 30, or she could be 100. I imagine, in the future, life expectancy is long and they use crazy plastic surgery. Who the hell knows what’s going on? So, I really wanted her to be ageless. Gary’s one real note was, “I imagine Joel Grey in Cabaret for her face.” That was our jumping off point, and why we ended up with the rough skin and the gnarliness of that.
What was the process of the deciding on the look for your characters?
BANKS: I was on the film pretty early and Judianna Makovsky, who did the costumes, did Seabiscuit with me as well, so we’re old friends. She called me immediately and said, “Come to the studio. I want to show you what I’m looking at.” All of my costumes are handmade. She has one of those dress forms of me, which is weird, in her studio. She had reference boards all the way around the room, and it was great. We looked at Kabuki, a lot of Christian Dior, Marie Antoinette, all these crazy adornments, and just really crazy, cool stuff.
KRAVITZ: Mine was more laid-back. It was basically just the gold eyes, and he was dressed very simply. I decided to play Cinna in a more classic way. I was thinking about Tom Ford or Yves Saint Laurent. He lets out his outrageousness in his costumes. The costumes that Cinna creates are quite dramatic.
BENTLEY: It took about two hours for me, with the hair and the beard. The reference for the wardrobe for me was Alexander McQueen, but it was just the one outfit through the whole thing.
Are you ready to see a lot of people dressed as your characters for Halloween?
BANKS: Yeah, there are going to be a lot of Effies for Halloween. It’s going to be fun! …
What did each of you personally take away from this experience?
BANKS: Jennifer Lawrence is a f*****g ridiculously crazy-good actress.
BENTLEY: Yeah, that’s definitely true. She blew me away. To carry a movie on subtlety is amazing.
KRAVITZ: Obviously the film is great and it’s The Hunger Games, but what I came away with is that it’s just so satisfying to do a great project with great people. Every day was fun. I’m not used to movie sets. This is new for me, so I didn’t know what to expect. I thought there would be divas and drama and actor stuff, but everybody was cool. There was a great feeling on set, every day. We all really liked each other. I asked people on the set, “Is this normal? From what I heard about acting stuff, this is not normal.” [Elizabeth] was supposed to be storming off and being a bitch. [Wes] was supposed to be a recluse in his trailer, not speaking to anybody. But, everybody was so nice. For me, I’m all about experiences. It’s great to do things that are big and wonderful, but if you’re not enjoying it and it’s not a good vibe, then what’s the point? So, I went home with this great feeling of, “Wow, I just made this blockbuster film with all these great actors, and it was so much fun.” It was wonderful."

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