
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Help UNICEF - Message from Lenny Kravitz

Lenny Kravitz
If you are a supporter of UNICEF, you should have gotten an email today about Lenny Kravitz's message about supporting UNICEF's efforts to give children water, soap, and other basic living supplies. You can also read the letter here:

"When my daughter Zoe was small, I wrote a song for her that contained the lyric: "All I want to do when I come into the room is see her smile – when I look in my little girl's eyes."
I know this is a sentiment shared by parents around the world.
Yet millions of children whose parents love them as much as I love my child don't get the chance to grow up happy and healthy. They are getting sick and dying every day because they lack access to safe water and sanitation services and proper hygiene practices.
Join me and together we can save these suffering children by giving them access to safe drinking water, soap and other simple lifesaving supplies. Donate by March 21 and your gift will be MATCHED $1 for $1 up to $150,000!An astonishing 783 million people live without access to safe water, and around 2.5 billion people – almost half of the developing world's population – lack access to improved sanitation.
But you can help. Together with UNICEF, you can help me make it right by improving water supplies and sanitation in schools and communities and promoting safe hygiene practices for children in over 100 countries around the world.
The impact of poor sanitation, water and hygiene can have serious and far-reaching impact on a community in ways you might not expect – especially for girls. Girls are often denied their right to education because their schools lack private and decent sanitation facilities. Or they drop out of school because they are forced to spend large parts of their day fetching water for their family.
It's simple: Without clean and safe water and sanitation, combined with proper hygiene practices, children suffer. Please – make a gift and help save children drinking unsafe water. Your gift will be doubled by a group of anonymous donors thanks to our Clean Water Match.Since 1990 UNICEF and its partners have helped over 2 billion people gain access to improved water sources and 1.8 billion people gain access to improved sanitation facilities. UNICEF does whatever it takes to drill wells, install water pumps, help communities build latrines and teach lifesaving hygiene to children and families in schools and communities.
When my daughter was little, we didn't have to think about whether or not the water we were drinking was clean and safe. She had a bathroom in our home and at school. That's the way it should be for every child, no matter where they grow up.
Yours sincerely,
Lenny Kravitz
Lenny Kravitz
UNICEF Supporter"

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