
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Elizabeth Banks' Chat Transcript

The chat with Elizabeth Banks on her site was amazing! She answered so many fan questions and we have her answers! Q stands for the questions fans asked, A is the answer, and E are other things she said that didn't have to do with her Q&A.

Q: In the pictures, you can definitely see all the makeup on your face! Were that and the outfits uncomfortable??? It looks like the sleeves are wrapped pretty tightly around your arm, and the wig must have been hot in that weather!!
A: I got heat stroke on day two of shooting the reaping because the clothes were so hot and tight. Normally, I like the phrase "hot and tight" but not in this instance.Q: I read that you had your 1 year old on set with you during this project and that it was your first project as a mother. How did you manage your schedule (the make-up, the hair, the NAILS, filming) with a toddler? My sister is a first time mother and I see how a child completely changes your life in regards to priorities and work. I am in such awe of mothers! My time will come, but you guys amaze me!A: I am in awe of all moms too. We need great help and wonderful spouses to deal at all. And I have both.Q: I know you said you were an early fan of the books. What made you pick up the book? Was it recommended? Did you just happen upon it at a bookstore?A: I read The Mazerunner first. It's similarly-themed and a friend said, if you liked that, you'll love The Hunger Games and I did (do!).Q: I know you play Effie and may be a little bias, but who is your favorite character in the series and why?A: I love Buttercup the cat. She's a protagonist to Katniss but never cares and she makes it til the end.Q: From Lonnie: I have two actually...1. Does the amount of graphic violence in this young adult series raise any concerns for you as a mother and 2. Are there plans to do all three books?A: Yes, there are plans, and no, I think we may shield our kids too much. There's a right age for everything. Children need to know about their world - good and bad.E: Hello to all who are just here to say hello!
Read the rest of the chat after the break!

A: And yes, I think the table was actually mahogany. but i also just think that was funnier to say than teak or pine!Q: Who did you become closest to on set? And if you hadn't been cast as Effie Trinket, what would have been your emotions because we all know how bad you wanted this role! Thanks in advance :)A: Woody Harrelson is the best dude to hang out with!E: You guys have so many great questions, I'm sorry I can't keep up!Q: If Effie could say anything to the world e.g. a piece of advice, people and children alike, what do you think she would say? Plus! If you could say anything to Effie and the world what would you say!? Thanks, Lorraine :)A: George Lucas says it all in Star Wars, doesn't he? Don't choose the dark side. May the force be with us all.Q: What is the best part about being Effie? Are you working on any new movies? Who is your inspiration?A: Effie has great style. I'm in May's comedy "What To Expect When You're Expecting" and I am inspired by Lucille Ball and Diane Keaton.Q: Describe Effie in one word.A: Effie in one word: theatrical!Q: If you were a participant in the Hunger Games, how do you think you would fare?A: I would not fare great. I would mostly hide.Q: I would like to know how you handled the heat! I saw in a magazine that it was a hundred plus degrees out in North Carolina during filming. How didn't you faint in all those wigs and make up and things?A: See above -- I did almost faint! I had a heat stroke!Q: What are your thoughts on Haymitch and Effie as a romantic couple? I'm not going to lie, I really love them together, and I completely pair them up. I feel like they would balance each other out. Effie could whip Haymitch into shape (because we all know she would), and Haymitch could mellow Effie out and help her break away from her need to be perfect. Thanks! :)A: I think Haymitch and Effie have a long history together and have to keep walls up around each other because they have seen so much death.Q: What was your favorite part about hanging out with the cast? I saw the sneak peek for Unscripted and it seemed like you guys had a ton of fun working together. :) Btw, loved you in The Uninvited, too. Evil characters for the win ^_^A: Evil is fun to play! I liked seeing Woody dress up in Lenny Kravitz's clothes!Q: How long did it take for you to do your makeup?A: nearly 3 hours.Q: As a fan of the books, was there anything you particularly looked forward to seeing in the movie - and what did you think about how it was translated on the screen? Similarly, was there anything you were disappointed by not seeing? (Saw the midnight screening last night - loved it!)A: You have the same name as Suzanne Collins! I love Rue's funeral, in book and movie.Q: Was it your intent to show warmness in how you treat the District 12 tributes as the movie progressed? If so, that was some quality acting!A: They won me over! They might win!Q: I sewed an Effie costume for the movie premiere but would really love to revamp the costume this summer with an accurate fabric. Would you be able to point me in the right direction? I'd also love any tips on posing as Effie. Thank you! ♥ You were lovely in the movie and really brought Effie to life for me.A: most of the fabric was bought in NYC/Europe. Maybe create your own look and see if we use it in the next movie! Like Effie's green suit.Q: How did you prepare for your part as Effie?A: It's a boring internal process helped by great hair, costume and make-up to feel like her outside-in.Q: What do you expect from a director while filming? For example, do you expect them to be professional, easy going or strict in the expectation of their actors.A: I want a great leader with the ability to communicate his/her vision and somebody who laughs at my jokes.Q: Do you like Capitol couture? And would you ever be brave enough to wear Capitol couture in real life? Like Capitol-esque makeup, dyed hair, or flashy eyelashes? (: many thanks!A: I would not want to look costume-y in real life, but I like the current trend of pastel colored hair. And I can appreciate a bright lip!Q: What scene are you most looking forward to in catching fire?A: The district tourQ: What are you going to be in next?A: What to expect when you're expecting and People Like us with Chris PineQ: Has Effie's style influenced your own style?A: Yes! I wore a lot of Effie-inspired dresses on the red carpet lately. Lots of bold colors!E: Thank you everyone for participating in my live chat! I can't wait to do it again soon.

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