
Friday, March 9, 2012

Hollywood talks to Jennifer's Archery Coach

In order to make sure Katniss truly is Katniss, she must be able to have an amazing talent in archery. Jennifer was trained to sharpen her skills. Her trainer happened to be a four time Olympian archer. Khatuna Lorig was Jennifer's trainer. interviewed Lorig about Jennifer's skills, their relationship, and Jennifer's injuries.

"After only ten lessons, Lorig had no doubt in her mind that if Lawrence kept practicing, she could work her way up to a competitive level (and she should know—Lorig also trained actress Geena Davis, who went to tryout for the 2000 Summer Olympics!). But will the Oscar-nominated actress’ new-found skills affect her performance as Katniss? Lorig already knows it has. “It comes from your eyes. It comes down to your face. You know right away if the person is scared, or if she or he is confident to shoot against you. What I saw from the previews? That’s my technique!”
Lorig isn’t sure if she’ll be back as Jennifer Lawrence’s coach for the sequel Catching Fire, but she’d be happy to return, as the two grew to be friends. “I told her I would be very proud when I see her onscreen. I told her, I’ll see her on the screen and say, ‘That’s my student!’ And you know what she said? She said, ‘When I see you in the Olympics, I’ll say, ‘She’s my coach!’’"
Sounds like Katniss did a pretty good job of training! Every time Jennifer is interviewed, she sounds more and more like the perfect Katniss.

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