
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Jackie Emerson Thinks that Emma Stone Would Be Foxface

Jackie talks all about her experience on the Hunger Games.

"I never dreamed that I would hear 10,000 people screaming when I stepped out onto a stage. Well, that’s not entirely true. I dreamed about it but in a performing-on-the-stage-at-Staples-Center-or-Madison-Square-Garden context. But never in a I’m-in-a-movie-that-hasn’t-even-come-out-yet one. That’s one of the reasons why this has all been so crazy.
The summer before my junior year, I was a girl with a dream — and yes, I know this sounds cheesy. I wanted to be a professional singer/actress, though I knew it would be hard. Things were starting to take off with my music — I was going into the recording studio — but nothing was solid yet. I would still spend days jumping around my room, performing for an imaginary audience, mouthing the words to Taylor Swift songs with a hairbrush. Actually, I still do that, but that’s beside the point.
Anyways, I am a nerd, bookworm, geek… whatever you want to call me. I’m the type of person that would rather sit down and read a good book than go out and party. I have read each book in the Harry Potterseries over 14 times. It is literally at the point where I know what words are coming up on the next page and where they are located on the page. The summer before my junior year, The Hunger Games was given out as the all-school read for my high school, so everyone had to read it. I sat down to begin, and I immediately became hooked. I finished the first book in a couple of hours! I immediately bought the second and finished that in a day or so. I found out the third book was coming out later that summer, so I waited up until midnight on the day of its release so that I could get it as soon as it came out. That summer, I lived and breathed The Hunger Games. I can’t even tell you how many dreams I had about it!"
Source: Huffington Post

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