

MiKayla's  bio:
Hello! I Love the Hunger Games. My favorite characters are Johanna Mason and Finnick Odair. My favorite book is Catching Fire. If I could be any character in the Hunger Games, I would be Johanna because people discredit her a lot. There is way more to her! My favorite part is when Peeta announced his love for Katniss in the interviews and when Finnick takes the Career’s knife for Peeta and Finnick and Annie's wedding. I am an actress and dancer and a huge fan of Logan Lerman (who should play Finnick) and Josh Hutcherson. 

Melody's Bio:
Hi! My favorite character is Peeta Mellark. If I could be any character in the Hunger Games, I would be Katniss. I would live in District 12. My favorite part of the Hunger Games is when Coin dies or Peeta and Katniss getting married! I am also a volleyball player and a huge fan of Josh Hutcherson and Justin Bieber. 

Susan's Bio:
Coming Soon!

Katie's Bio:
Hey! My favorite character is Clove (I know, I'm weird like that). My favorite book is the Hunger Games. I would live in District 11. My favorite part is the epilogue because I sit there for hours trying to figure out what it means. I'm in gymnastics and I love Pretty Little Liars, Matched, and Divergent.