
Monday, June 4, 2012

Hunger Games Cast Talks Finnick Castings

When MTV talked to Alexander Ludwig, Josh Hutcherson, and Elizabeth Banks at the MTV Movie Awards, they asked the question on everyone's mind - who do they think should play Finnick?

Josh: “I mean, honestly, I have no idea. I definitely need to re-read the second book,” he said. “I haven’t read it since I first read them, before the first one. So I think I kind of need to read it again to get a better grasp. Physically strong, I think that’s a big important thing. I think somebody who’s kind of similar to Peeta in the sense that he knows sort of how to work the situation a little bit. I think the physicality would be really important for Finnick because he’s such an imposing character, for sure.”
Alexander: “Whenever I read the books, I always thought Ryan Reynolds would be a great Finnick.” he said. “Ryan Reynolds is just how I pictured. I think he’s just got a charisma about him. Whenever I read the books, I was like ‘If I don’t get a [role] in the first one, [then I'd be interested].’ Finnick had always been something I was interested in as a character because he reminds me a little of myself. He’s got a really good charisma about him. He’s also got that bit of an egotistical edge to him which isn’t like me but I love it as character. It’s hilarious and he’s a really strong character too and he’s a really big part of the second book. He’s the most anticipated character in my mind as well. I can’t wait to see who they cast for him.”
 Elizabeth: “I don’t [know], honestly,” she said. “Everybody that’s ever been mentioned seems fantastic. I’m sure they’ll find the right fit. I think the cast has come together in such an amazing way so far and I know that their goal is to keep adding the best people and the people that its gonna be great. You know, just charisma, just a lot of charisma. And he’s a looker.”
Source: MTV

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