
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jennifer Lawrence talks about Training

The Ridge Review interviewed Jennifer Lawrence. She talked about Katniss as a role model and training for the movie. 
“There was very different training; I’ve never had to learn archery, or agility, or climbing, or anything like that, and I’ve never been part of a film that was so famous before it even began, and that was so weird,” explains Lawrence on the comparison between The Hunger Games and her other films.
From fighting the enemy to running through the forest, a lot of preparation is necessary in order to play Katniss as she is portrayed in the book. In order to prepare for the challenging role, Jennifer spent months preparing for all of the dangerous stunts.
“Some of the very dangerous ones, like falling out of a tree and landing on the ground and rolling down mountains and things like that, were all stunt doubles, but I did train in preparation to do all of the stunts and then the day of [filming] we decided what was too risky and what would take too long if I did it,” informs Lawrence.
Being a part of something so huge can be nerve wracking, but Jennifer shares her feelings about the growth and popularity The Hunger Games has received.
“It’s weird, it’s just always kind of felt like my job and just recently it’s kind of exploded so much. In a lot of ways it’s like, ‘oh you got promoted’, and no one ever regrets getting a promotion. It’s life changing, and it’s weird .”
Not only is Katniss a strong female, she is also a great role model for girls to look up to.
“She’s this unbelievable character that not only beats the game, she changes the entire game.  I think she’s a wonderful character to have young girls look up to,” enthuses Lawrence,
“I’m just so happy that this character is out there for young girls. I’m happy that her integrity is intact from the books. She’s a character that I look up to and that I love in these books. I’m just happy to be a part of it.”

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