
Friday, March 2, 2012

Woody Harrelson's Strategy In HG

Woody Harrelson was interview by He talks about the books, about his character, and about how he would survive.

" Do you think your character is a survivor or do you think he’s just someone who happened to survive?Harrelson: I think he’s a real survivor…he has good survival instincts. If you were placed in the same situation do you think you would survive?Harrelson: I mean, I might not make it to the end but I certainly won’t go down without a serious fight. What would be your go-to technique?Harrelson: I would find water, that would be the first thing. And then if anyone came for me I would run like hell. This sounds like the duck-and-cover technique.Harrelson: That’s right. The duck and cover. My thing is even if I’m playing at a little poker tournament, I don’t need to win every hand or win a lot of chips, I just need other people to be going out. That’s my strategy, just try to make it down to the last few and then see what happens."

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