
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hunger Games vs. Twilight - Sales

As much as I wish all the comparisons would stop, the comparisons to the success they both have, I don't mind! Deadline released this report about how Hunger Games could top Twilight:
"With 23% ‘First Choice’ and 54% ’Definite Interest’, those are numbers every film studio can only dream about. One studied provided me with a guesstimate that the first film based on the Suzanne Collins bestselling books could open to $70+M — which would make this bigger than the the Twilight debut. “It’s every bit as strong As Twilight and, numerically, stronger,” one rival studio told me this morning. Seasonality may play a factor because The Hunger Games is opening in March, not summer. “But the numbers, while they definitely skew to young females, look strong across all quadrants.” Said another studio: “It’s a great start.”
So exciting!
Source: Deadline

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