
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Peeta Mellark

Name: Peeta Mellark 
Age : 16
Job: tribute, baker
Home: District 12
Weapon: knife, camouflage
Favorite color: orange
Portrayed by : Josh Hutcherson

Peeta is wealthier than the rest of the people because his dad is a shopkeeper. They eat the stale items that no one buys from their bakery. He goes to school with Katniss. He gives Katniss some bread after Katniss' dad dies in a mine crash and they are going without food. Katniss tries to make money by selling Prim's clothes but  ends up almost passing out from hunger. Katniss walks behind the bakery to dig through the trash when Peeta's mother yells at her. Peeta burns two loaves of bread, pretends to give them to the pigs, but instead gives them to Katniss. He was beaten by his mom for burning bread. 

Peeta first fell in love with Katniss when his dad pointed her out to him before school, telling him that he wanted to marry her mother. Then, he knew when he heard her sing. 
Peeta is chosen to be the boy tribute. He has little support from his parents and his dad tells him that Katniss might win. In the games, he pairs up with the Careers in order to protect Katniss. After the tracker jacker nest attacked them, Peeta tells Katniss to run because Cato is coming to kill her. Cato arrives and battles him, which ends up in Peeta getting blood poisoning. Peeta camouflages himself in order to stay alive. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hunger Games:
Kills: Foxface
Allies: Cato, Clove, Marvel, Glimmer, Katniss

Catching Fire:
Kills: Brutus
Allies: Katniss, Mags, Finnick, female Morphling, Johanna, Wiress, Beetee

To find out what happens more in detail, read the series!!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Seventeen's Prom Issue!

Confused? I thought I was reading about HG!! You still are! The guys of the Hunger Games movies did a photo shoot for Seventeen magazine for their prom issue. If you aren't already subscribed to Seventeen magazine, I would take a trip to Walgreen's (or your local bookseller) to pick up this issue. Here are the links to all the interviews that the cast did on the Hunger Games movies and prom.

Alexander Ludwig (Cato)
Ashton Moio (District 6 Boy)
Sam Tan (District 8 Boy)
Dayo Okeniyi (Thresh)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Rereading the Hunger Games!

I know a ton of people that are either rereading the series or joining the craze because of the movie. I must say, I'm one of them!! I just got back from the library and picked up my copy of Hunger Games. I don't own the books yet, but I really want to buy them. I was excited that I got the book again because I have been wanting to reread it since I read it the first time.

Just for fun, I am going to tell you about how I came to meet the HG series.

I always read books that are on the New York Times Bestseller List. Most of all the books I have ever read have been on that list at some point. I kept reading the list and reading about this book called the Hunger Games that was described as "A teenage boy and girl fight in a deadly games on national television." For months, I thought that was a really dumb idea for a book (truth!). I kept seeing it on the list and I was finally like, I'm just gonna get it from the library. I requested it and I was on a list of 43 PEOPLE!! I can't tell you how many times I thought about cancelling the request. The library finally ordered more copies and I got the book. I decided to read it one day on spring break. I sat in my office, in a very uncomfortable chair, and read the entire thing in ONE DAY!! I was in love after that. I didn't know there was more until that June. I got both Catching Fire and Mockingjay from the library and finished the entire series in a week. You don't know how excited I was when I saw all the movie updates and the trailer.

Now, I can't believe that I started it all with thinking it was dumb. I was the dumb one!


Monday, December 26, 2011

Artists on the HG Soundtrack

With Taylor Swift's new single for the Hunger Games getting to #1 on iTunes the same day it was released, other artists are also going to be on the new soundtrack. These artists include Taylor Swift, Decemberists, Arcade Fire, and Jennifer Lawrence (singing Rue's Lullaby) will all be on the soundtrack. It sounds like the same type of music as Twilight, an indie pop feel. I'll probably be buying it on iTunes. The soundtrack should have the same feel as the books and movies, kind of haunting and pretty. With Taylor Swift's song nailing it, I am sure the rest will too!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift (On the SOUNDTRACK)

Yes, it's here! The first single from the Hunger Games soundtrack. It's called Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift and the Civil Wars. Let me tell you, that if you were scared of the fact that Taylor Swift was singing this, I was too. It truly is very different from all her other mushy gushy love songs (I love her though!) It is haunting and sad but still uplifting in the lyrics. You can compare the song to pretty much anyone in the series: Prim, Rue, Peeta, I mean I get parts that sound like Cato. Truthfully, whoever you like is the subject. I love that Taylor Swift sounds like what I pictured Katniss too. Seriously, if you like the hunger games, you should buy this on iTunes or Amazon! I bought it as soon as I saw Hunger Games. You can also listen to it above.


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Katniss Everdeen

Character Bio:
Name: Katniss Everdeen
Age: 16
Birthday: May 8
Job: Hunter, Tribute
Home: District 12
Weapon: Bow and Arrows
Fate: Alive
Portrayed by: Jennifer Lawrence
Family: Prim
Love Interests: Gale, Peeta
Friends: Madge

Background: When she was 11 years old, her father died in a mine explosion. She hunts for her family in the woods with Gale who she met because he was also trying to provide for his family. Katniss doesn't like her mother for not helping in the family life. She trades her meat illegally at the Hob for other things they can't hunt. She takes out tesserae for her family.

Hunger Games: She is sixteen when she volunteers for her sister, Prim, in the Hunger Games. Madge comes to give her the mockingjay pin (in the movie it is Prim.) At the Capitol she meets her prep team lead by Cinna. During the private session, she gets annoyed because the gamemakers aren't paying attention. She fires an arrow at them, almost hitting them. She scores a 11. When they get in the Games, Katniss quickly leaves the bloodbath with only a backpack and a sheet of plastic. She almost dies when Clove throws a knife at her. She wanders around dehydrated until she hits a Gamemaker made fire. She makes it out with minor burns on her hands and a major burn on her calf. She is chased by the Careers and climbs up a tree, which they camp beneath. She saws a Tracker Jacker nest from the tree and it falls on the Careers killing some of them and causing Katniss to have hallucinations. Rue and Katniss team up. Katniss goes off to blow up the Careers's supplies and her hear is damaged in the process. She goes back to find Rue and finds her dying. She sings to her and covers her in flowers. The announcement comes out that two tributes can win and she finds Peeta. She washes Peeta and tries to take care of his wounds. A feast is called which Katniss attends by putting Peeta to sleep with a medicine she recieved from Haymitch. She is almost killed by Clove and she is defended by Thresh who decides not to kill her for Rue. She ends up killing Cato at the end of the Hunger Games. She is the one that pulls out the berries to kill themselves.

Catching Fire: Katniss now lives in the Victors Village with Peeta and Haymitch. She is visited by President Snow who tells her that she has ignited a rebellion and that she must prove her actions were out of love. During the Victory Tour, in District 11, she tells the story of her moments with Thresh and Rue, and witnesses a man get shot in the head for whistling Rue's bird call. Peeta proposes to her and she accepts. Gale confesses her love to her and she then witnesses his whipping. Katniss tries to stop the man and ends up getting lashed across the face. Katniss says that she picks Gale but she is still torn. Katniss goes to the woods and meets Bonnie and Twill who are running away to District 13. When the news is announced that the tributes will be drawn from the remaining pool of victors, she runs away screaming and crying in the basement of an empty house. The prep team comes in to get her ready and end up crying. She wears her wedding dress to the interviews and when she spins, it becomes the mockingjay. When she is getting ready to go into the games, Cinna is taken away. She enters the arena which is "no place for a girl on fire" and she sees Finnick, who Haymitch has told her to make an alliance with. Peeta dies by walking into the force field and she goes crazy while watching Finnick save him. They get stuck in a mist which Mags dies in. They leave the mist and meet Johanna. Wiress keeps saying Tick Tock which leaves her to believe the arena's attacks are based off a clock. They suffer many attacks during this time. Wiress and the morphling from 6 both die. Katniss starts wondering if everyone is being trained to defend Peeta so he can be the leader of the rebellion. Peeta tries to give Katniss a gold locket, they kiss, and she now believes that she wants Peeta to win.  Beetee creates a plan to break out of the arena. While Johanna and Katniss are heading out to set up the coil, Johanna strikes her in the head with the coil and cuts the tracker out of her arm, providing for their safe escape. In the madness that follows, Katniss shoots an arrow at the cink in the force field, causing the arena to blow up. She hears Plutarch, Finnick, and Haymitch talking about getting someone out of 4. They reveal their plan to break them out of the arena. Gale visits her and tells her that District 12 had been bombed and nothing is left.

Mockingjay: Katniss goes back to District 12 to visit the ruins. She finds a white rose in her old bedroom from President Snow, meaning that he is watching her. Katniss is comforted by Gale. She decides that she will be the mockingjay as long as Coin grants immunity to all alive victors, the right to kill Snow, and her family be able to keep their cat. Coin tells her that if she doesn't follow the rules as mockingjay, her and her family will be killed. Katniss and Gale start hunting again until they fight about her prep team. She shoots her first propoganda, which isn't very good, so they let her go to District 8. While she is there, the hospital is attacked by the Capitol and her and the rest of the rebel forces fight back. She is overwhelmed by Peeta's interview. She goes back to 12 with Gale and shoots more propos including "The Hanging Tree." Peeta warns them of an attack on 13, which does happen, and she is comforted by Prim and Finnick. Coin assembles a rescue team for the victors in the capitol and Gale volunteers. They come back with Peeta and Johanna. Johanna rooms with Katniss as they create a friendship. If you would like to know more about Katniss, I suggest that you read the books! I'm stopping here!

What do you think of Katniss?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I Finished the Hunger Games! What do I do know? Part 1: Hunger Games Fan Podcast

Once you finish the Hunger Games, you go through a certain series of steps (or at least I did!)
1) Stare at the back of the book in awe that there are no more
2) Reread the entire series!
3) Try and find some other source to satisfy your love!

This is why I turned to blogging. If you don't want to blog though, one great way is listening to Podcasts. My favorite Hunger Games podcast is the "Hunger Games Fan Podcast" presented by GSPN. The show is hosted by Cliff & Stephanie. They are currently on chapter 3 of Mockingjay but you can find the rest of the episodes on their website.  They normally update every week but they will dissect every chapter. They seriously make you think of things that you have never thought about before! They will also mention news about the movies.

You can also follow them on Twitter. It is @Hungergamespod or you can just go to our Twitter and look under the people we follow.

Another really cool podcast is the Fireside Chat. You can look most of their topics on Youtube. They normally talk about questions brought up while reading the books like "Were Cato and Clove in a relationship." (By the way, I did a post on this too!)

You could also start your own podcast and upload it to the internet or iTunes. I am seriously not experienced on this so I suggest you do a Google search on it. If you don't know how to Google search, you probably just got a computer. I am so thankful we are your first visit :) But seriously, you can do it! We will even listen to it if you a) tweet the link to us or b) leave it in the comments! Promise!


All of the above opinions are mine. I was not paid or influenced in any way. For more legal stuff, please read the disclaimer.

My Soundtrack for Hunger Games!

If you are like me, you compare everything in life to the Hunger Games! Well, one of those things that I compare is music. Here is my perfect soundtrack to the Hunger Games!

1. We Found Love - Rihanna
2. Bulletproof - La Roux

3. Come Down With Love - Allstar Weekend

4. Dumb Love by Sean Kingston

5. Enchanted - Taylor Swift

6. Got Dynamite - Demi Lovato

7. I Don't Wanna Be In Love - Good Charlotte

8. Please Don't Go by Mike Posner

9. Set Fire To The Rain - Adele

10. Who's That Boy - Demi Lovato feat. Dev

11. Without You - David Guetta feat. Usher

12. Music Sounds Better With U - Big Time Rush

13. Already Over - Red

What songs remind you of the Hunger Games?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Yeah! Winter break is almost here! More important updates, too:

- I am taking a little break cause I have exams. :( I did prewrite some posts, so those will be coming out.

- Melody is going to be updating the blog more to fill my spots!

- The Links tab is under construction!

Any questions, leave them in the comment box. Thanks, MiKayla.

Please enjoy this video:

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Guide to Writing Good HG Fanfiction

Hunger Games Fanfiction is the thing that keeps all us fans from going crazy during that time between the books and the movies! Here is my guide to writing it:

1. Make a Fanfiction account. All you have to do is be 13 years or older. You can sign up here.

2. Think about what you want to write about. It should be something original or no one else will read it. If there is a character that you love you could do a POV. If you question something, you could rewrite the book from that point or change parts. You could write anything you want. Crossovers are also really cool to read because they combine Hunger Games and another awesome movie/show/book.

3. Start writing! Make sure to have good grammar and spelling. You should also update often so people can always read new chapters from you.

4. Keep writing! If a story isn't getting a lot of reviews or favorites, if you work on it more it will! The more frequent you write and the more original your story is, the more you will get.

5. Share it with us! Just tweet the link to us and will do a review on your Fanfiction and possibly write a post about it on our blog.

Make sure you check out the links for some really good Fanfictions.


Fanfictions I like:

The Fire Within by Mockingjay272
Fighting for Freedom by jellybean5898
Clove Unsuspected by mockingjay272
Percy Jackson and the Future Victor by mj278
Rue's Thoughts by theepicbookworm

Hunger Games Lego Trailer!

This video is going viral! This is seriously one of the coolest Hunger Games videos I have seen. Pretty much, it is the trailer but Lego people are the cast. I've always admired these people who take the time to create these. I would probably just get frustrated and give up! It was really cool and kinda funny (like how Peeta is a yellow evil looking guy!) It was made by CarCrashcorp and it currently has 3,613 views! Let's get up way higher to show our support for all things Hunger Games! I'll put the link in the Links tab so you can watch it as many times as you want!


Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tribute Thursdays!

New post series by me! Every Thursday, I will be focusing on one tribute from either the 74th or 75th Hunger Games! They will all be in random order so I really have no idea what is coming next. You can check out the schedule (as far as I have made it) on the page "Info." Other than that, you should really follow us on Twitter and  subscribe to us on your email so you can make sure you never miss the break down of your favorite Tribute!


Both links are in the right toolbar.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Hunger Games Movie Poster!!

If you follow the Capitol on Twitter or Facebook, you already know that we now have less than 100 days left until the premiere of the Hunger Games! They had a challenge to put together 100 puzzle pieces to create the latest poster for the Hunger Games. Here it is:
Hunger Games New Poster Dec. 16 - P 2011

This poster is so amazing! I love that it says "The World will be Watching" and then has Katniss and Peeta's faces on posters hanging above the crowds. I was disappointed that it didn't feature all of the characters though. I was hoping for some other characters like Rue or Cato but I guess you can't put everyone on one poster. This is an awesome poster. Jennifer Lawrence is an amazing Katniss and Josh Hutcherson is an amazing Peeta. 

Make sure you do follow the Capitol on Twitter and Facebook so you always know when to Head for the Square! While you are on Twitter, go ahead and follow us! @BurntBreadBlog or you can just click the link on the right toolbar. 


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Update on the Hunger Games Nail Polish

Ok, so I posted a few days ago that they would make a Hunger Games nail polish. These are now the Colors from the Capitol. The colors that I showed were the ones that weren't for the Capitol, if that makes sense. Anyway, these are the updated versions and they look pretty much like the other picture but with different names!

Dress Me Up = Primrose
Foie Gras = Rebel
Fast Track = Catnip
Hook and Line = Coal Hearted
Stone Cold = Joined At the Seam
Smoke and Ashes = Fight to the Finish
Agro = We Could Runaway
Mahogany Magic = Baker's Son
Harvest Moon = Cinnamon
Riveting = Fire in Flight
Electrify = Heat of the Moment
Luxe and Lush = Flaming Gems

Personally, I can't decide what names I like better. The old ones are closer to the book while the new ones are closer to the idea of the Capitol... Either way, I am def going to buy them all when the stores open! (Well, maybe not all at the same time but I will get there!)

You can check out this report Clever TV did on the nail polish collection:


Make sure to follow our Twitter for a new Hunger Games quote every day and when we post new blog posts!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Fire Dress (In the eyes of Fashion Designers)

One of the best parts of the movie is not only the amazing story but the amazing costumes and sets that I hope they have! InStyle magazine got together some of the top designers for their idea of the dress that Katniss wears  on the chariot rides before the 74th Hunger Games. In the book it is described: "I am dressed in what will either be the most sensational or the deadliest costume in the opening ceremonies. I’m in a simple black unitard that covers me from ankle to neck. Shiny leather boots lace up to my knees. But it’s the fluttering cape made of streams of orange, yellow, and red and the matching headpiece that define this costume. Cinna plans to light them on fire just before our chariot rolls into the streets.” —Katniss in The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Here are some of my favorite possible designs for the dress:

This one, designed by Tommy Hilfiger, does not look like the dress, but it's cute. It kinda looks like what she would wear to vacation in Florida...

I love this one! It includes the Mockingjay pin and the huge skirt looks like something I could see Katy Perry or Lady Gaga wearing! This is designed by Rachel Roy.

This one is super cute! It was designed by Tadashi Shoji and also looks like something I could see on the red carpet (maybe Selena Gomez?) 

I think this one, designed by Charlotte Ronson, takes the prize! I love how her bow and arrows are incorporated into the outfit! It's not a dress like the others are but a unitard and cape. This looks ligit like what she would really wear!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Hunger Games Nail Polish?!?

Isn't it kinda crazy how every time a new franchise or person gets popular a nail polish comes out? Well, it's not any different from the Hunger Games. Lionsgate (the maker of the movies) is partnering with China Glaze to create a line of nail polishes. The nail polish line had been said to be the colors that the citizens in the Capitol would wear, but the picture (above) shows different colors based off of the colors. I love these colors! Even though, I know Katniss and the rest of the gang would never wear these colors but I could see the Captiol, with all their crazy colors, wearing them! My personal favorites are Fight to the Finish, Cinna-mon, Heat of the Moment, and Primrose. The best part is, none of these colors look like something I already own or have seen! The nail polish line will be coming out March 1, just in time for the movie!


*Note: all the above nail polishes are just possibilities and none are confirmed yet!*

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Melody is now blogging! Yeah!!!!

Make sure you go check out her awesome first blog post about the Hunger Games Trailer. She would love it if you commented!

Other than that, you can check out her bio!

Stay tuned for more bloggers!

Hunger Games Trailer Review

Hey everyone! This is gonna be a small blog post on my review of The Hunger Games trailer. If you haven't already seen the trailer, you can watch it here.

In my opinion (and dont think I'm going all buisness like when I'm talking like "the trailer was excellent") because the trailer for FREAKING AWESOME! I legit played it 14 (: Times! I love it sooo much! And in everyone little clip of the trailer it reminded be of all of those scenes from the book! Like the reaping! I really think this is going to be an amazing movie, I'm going like 14000 times! I couldn't stop smiling the whole time. And I even teared up a little because I was soooo excited. (Hopefully you know by now I love the Hunger Games) When I found out the trailer came out today, thats all I could think about during school and it was the first thing I did when I came home! I am legit a enormous(big word for me) Hunger Games fan and I thank Suzanne Collins sooooo much for writing the Trilogy (she's one of my fave authors!)

And the cast looks amazing!!! I dont care what people say, Jennifer (Lawerence) is the perfect Katniss, Josh♥(Hutcherson) is the perfect Peeta♥, Liam Hemsworth is the perfect Gale, and so and so forth. And plus Josh is sooo cute and I love him even more efter seeing the trailer (me and Sienna were freaking out!) So make sure to tell me what you thought of the trailer and what your looking foward to the most about the movie! Also who do you like better; Peeta or Gale. I love Peeta! And no, this is not me say "Team Peeta" or "Team Gale" because, no, this is not twilight. this is THE FREAKING HUNGER GAMES (:

Okay, I've bored y'all enough. (Silent Salute)
"And May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor" -Effie Trinket

Friday, December 9, 2011

Presents about the Hunger Games

Credit: Hunger Games Movie

If you know someone who loves the Hunger Games, here are some awesome presents! These also work as gifts to yourself :)

The Girl Who Was on Fire - Leah Wilson  - In The Girl Who Was on Fire, thirteen YA authors take you back to Panem with moving, dark, and funny pieces on Katniss, the Games, Gale and Peeta, reality TV, survival, and more. From the trilogy's darker themes of violence and social control to fashion and weaponry, the collection's exploration of the Hunger Games reveals exactly how rich, and how perilous, protagonist Katniss’ world really is. Amazon, $10.36.

The Hunger Games Companion - Lois H. Gresh Go deeper into the post-apocalyptic world created by Suzanne Collins than you ever thought possible—an alternative future where boys and girls are chosen from twelve districts to compete in “The Hunger Games,” a televised fight-to-the-death. Barnes & Noble, $9.99

The Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook - Emily Ansara Baines - For the first time, you will be able to create delicious recipes from the humble District 12 to the extravagant Capital, including:French Bread from the Mellark Family Bakery, Katniss's Favorite Lamb Stew with Dried Plums, Rue's Roasted Parsnips, Gale's Bone-Pickin' Big Game Soup, and Capitol-Grade Dark Chocolate Cake. Amazon, $12.24

Stay Alive Rubber Bands  - Red one says HUNGER GAMES Silver one says Some Advice. Stay Alive. Amazon, $8.99

Mockingjay Rubber Bracelets  - Blue one says Mockingjay. White one has Mockingjays on it. Amazon, $6.79

Stud Earrings 3 Pack "District 12" - 3 sets of earrings including District 12, Mockingjay, and Bow and Arrow. Amazon, $14.99

District 12 Tribute Shirt - Black T-Shirt with white letters "District 12 Tribute" and red Mockingjay in the background. Amazon, starts at $24.50 *look below for more shirts*

Mockingjay Pin Replica  - Amazon, $29.99

Knee High Socks  - Knee socks that say Katniss. Amazon, $6.99

Training Days Strategy Game  - Training Days game allows 2 - 6 players to follow in the footsteps of their favorite tributes. Amazon, $23.99

Character Poster Collection  - Collector's Set of 8 Set Includes: Cato, Effie, Haymitch, Cinna, Gale, Katniss, Peeta, and Rue. Amazon, $59.99

Hopefully, you can find some amazing present for you or someone you know in this list! There are a lot more so I will probably be doing a part 2! 


Monday, December 5, 2011

Cato & Clove

The more I read these books and read Fanfictions, the more I love these characters. I don't want to sound like a total snob for rooting for the Careers, but if anyone besides Katniss & Peeta won, it should've been these two. I love Clove because of everything that she leaves you with. I know that she is amazing and has way more depth. Cato is the same way. The only reason I hate Clove is because she tried to kill Katniss.

I am a total fan of Cove (Cato/Clove)! It seems like they at least liked each other. She screams for Cato while Thresh is killing her. He came to help begging for her to "stay with him." Then, Cato got revenge on Thresh by killing him. I think that this part of the Hunger Games is why so many people don't like Clove:
"We're going to kill you. Just like we did with your pathetic little ally. What was her name? Rue? Well first Rue, then you, and I think we'll let nature take care of lover boy. How does that sound?" - Clove

If you think about this, Clove has been trained her entire life to win the Games. I doubt she is happy that Katniss is stealing her light. I doubt she is all mean, just like Johanna. I am not going to lie know but I was as sad as I was when Rue died. I expected her to last longer than Cato. I realize I am talking way to much about Clove. I just love her!

Cato is pretty much the same deal. I do feel he was reckless with his anger.

Isabella Fuhrman is going to play Clove in the movie. I think she looks exactly like what I pictured!
Alexander Ludwig is going to play Cato in the movie. He also looks really buff like he had trained a lot for the Games!


Here are some links to my favorite Fanfictions about these two:

Clove Unsuspected by Mockingjay272
First and Last by Starsong17
Clove's Last Feast by bigcitylights

Friday, December 2, 2011

Welcome to Burnt Bread!

Hello! If you are reading this, you have landing on the Burnt Bread Blog! Pretty much, we are all a bunch of first time bloggers that love the Hunger Games. We have already read the books so their might be spoilers. I encourage you to click around our website. You can check out our links where all of our favorite YouTube videos and other cool sites are at all about the Hunger Games. Meet The Bloggers is a place where you can read our bios. More awesome bloggers will also start joining the blog soon so keep watch. We also have our Twitter feed which you can also follow! Just go to your Twitter account and search for @BurntBreadBlog. We will be updating on a lot of different stuff and each blogger will get a least 4 posts a week out. If you have any questions, you can comment them on this post. I will respond back! Promise!
