
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hunger Games Trailer Review

Hey everyone! This is gonna be a small blog post on my review of The Hunger Games trailer. If you haven't already seen the trailer, you can watch it here.

In my opinion (and dont think I'm going all buisness like when I'm talking like "the trailer was excellent") because the trailer for FREAKING AWESOME! I legit played it 14 (: Times! I love it sooo much! And in everyone little clip of the trailer it reminded be of all of those scenes from the book! Like the reaping! I really think this is going to be an amazing movie, I'm going like 14000 times! I couldn't stop smiling the whole time. And I even teared up a little because I was soooo excited. (Hopefully you know by now I love the Hunger Games) When I found out the trailer came out today, thats all I could think about during school and it was the first thing I did when I came home! I am legit a enormous(big word for me) Hunger Games fan and I thank Suzanne Collins sooooo much for writing the Trilogy (she's one of my fave authors!)

And the cast looks amazing!!! I dont care what people say, Jennifer (Lawerence) is the perfect Katniss, Josh♥(Hutcherson) is the perfect Peeta♥, Liam Hemsworth is the perfect Gale, and so and so forth. And plus Josh is sooo cute and I love him even more efter seeing the trailer (me and Sienna were freaking out!) So make sure to tell me what you thought of the trailer and what your looking foward to the most about the movie! Also who do you like better; Peeta or Gale. I love Peeta! And no, this is not me say "Team Peeta" or "Team Gale" because, no, this is not twilight. this is THE FREAKING HUNGER GAMES (:

Okay, I've bored y'all enough. (Silent Salute)
"And May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor" -Effie Trinket

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