
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Katniss Everdeen

Character Bio:
Name: Katniss Everdeen
Age: 16
Birthday: May 8
Job: Hunter, Tribute
Home: District 12
Weapon: Bow and Arrows
Fate: Alive
Portrayed by: Jennifer Lawrence
Family: Prim
Love Interests: Gale, Peeta
Friends: Madge

Background: When she was 11 years old, her father died in a mine explosion. She hunts for her family in the woods with Gale who she met because he was also trying to provide for his family. Katniss doesn't like her mother for not helping in the family life. She trades her meat illegally at the Hob for other things they can't hunt. She takes out tesserae for her family.

Hunger Games: She is sixteen when she volunteers for her sister, Prim, in the Hunger Games. Madge comes to give her the mockingjay pin (in the movie it is Prim.) At the Capitol she meets her prep team lead by Cinna. During the private session, she gets annoyed because the gamemakers aren't paying attention. She fires an arrow at them, almost hitting them. She scores a 11. When they get in the Games, Katniss quickly leaves the bloodbath with only a backpack and a sheet of plastic. She almost dies when Clove throws a knife at her. She wanders around dehydrated until she hits a Gamemaker made fire. She makes it out with minor burns on her hands and a major burn on her calf. She is chased by the Careers and climbs up a tree, which they camp beneath. She saws a Tracker Jacker nest from the tree and it falls on the Careers killing some of them and causing Katniss to have hallucinations. Rue and Katniss team up. Katniss goes off to blow up the Careers's supplies and her hear is damaged in the process. She goes back to find Rue and finds her dying. She sings to her and covers her in flowers. The announcement comes out that two tributes can win and she finds Peeta. She washes Peeta and tries to take care of his wounds. A feast is called which Katniss attends by putting Peeta to sleep with a medicine she recieved from Haymitch. She is almost killed by Clove and she is defended by Thresh who decides not to kill her for Rue. She ends up killing Cato at the end of the Hunger Games. She is the one that pulls out the berries to kill themselves.

Catching Fire: Katniss now lives in the Victors Village with Peeta and Haymitch. She is visited by President Snow who tells her that she has ignited a rebellion and that she must prove her actions were out of love. During the Victory Tour, in District 11, she tells the story of her moments with Thresh and Rue, and witnesses a man get shot in the head for whistling Rue's bird call. Peeta proposes to her and she accepts. Gale confesses her love to her and she then witnesses his whipping. Katniss tries to stop the man and ends up getting lashed across the face. Katniss says that she picks Gale but she is still torn. Katniss goes to the woods and meets Bonnie and Twill who are running away to District 13. When the news is announced that the tributes will be drawn from the remaining pool of victors, she runs away screaming and crying in the basement of an empty house. The prep team comes in to get her ready and end up crying. She wears her wedding dress to the interviews and when she spins, it becomes the mockingjay. When she is getting ready to go into the games, Cinna is taken away. She enters the arena which is "no place for a girl on fire" and she sees Finnick, who Haymitch has told her to make an alliance with. Peeta dies by walking into the force field and she goes crazy while watching Finnick save him. They get stuck in a mist which Mags dies in. They leave the mist and meet Johanna. Wiress keeps saying Tick Tock which leaves her to believe the arena's attacks are based off a clock. They suffer many attacks during this time. Wiress and the morphling from 6 both die. Katniss starts wondering if everyone is being trained to defend Peeta so he can be the leader of the rebellion. Peeta tries to give Katniss a gold locket, they kiss, and she now believes that she wants Peeta to win.  Beetee creates a plan to break out of the arena. While Johanna and Katniss are heading out to set up the coil, Johanna strikes her in the head with the coil and cuts the tracker out of her arm, providing for their safe escape. In the madness that follows, Katniss shoots an arrow at the cink in the force field, causing the arena to blow up. She hears Plutarch, Finnick, and Haymitch talking about getting someone out of 4. They reveal their plan to break them out of the arena. Gale visits her and tells her that District 12 had been bombed and nothing is left.

Mockingjay: Katniss goes back to District 12 to visit the ruins. She finds a white rose in her old bedroom from President Snow, meaning that he is watching her. Katniss is comforted by Gale. She decides that she will be the mockingjay as long as Coin grants immunity to all alive victors, the right to kill Snow, and her family be able to keep their cat. Coin tells her that if she doesn't follow the rules as mockingjay, her and her family will be killed. Katniss and Gale start hunting again until they fight about her prep team. She shoots her first propoganda, which isn't very good, so they let her go to District 8. While she is there, the hospital is attacked by the Capitol and her and the rest of the rebel forces fight back. She is overwhelmed by Peeta's interview. She goes back to 12 with Gale and shoots more propos including "The Hanging Tree." Peeta warns them of an attack on 13, which does happen, and she is comforted by Prim and Finnick. Coin assembles a rescue team for the victors in the capitol and Gale volunteers. They come back with Peeta and Johanna. Johanna rooms with Katniss as they create a friendship. If you would like to know more about Katniss, I suggest that you read the books! I'm stopping here!

What do you think of Katniss?