
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I Finished the Hunger Games! What do I do know? Part 1: Hunger Games Fan Podcast

Once you finish the Hunger Games, you go through a certain series of steps (or at least I did!)
1) Stare at the back of the book in awe that there are no more
2) Reread the entire series!
3) Try and find some other source to satisfy your love!

This is why I turned to blogging. If you don't want to blog though, one great way is listening to Podcasts. My favorite Hunger Games podcast is the "Hunger Games Fan Podcast" presented by GSPN. The show is hosted by Cliff & Stephanie. They are currently on chapter 3 of Mockingjay but you can find the rest of the episodes on their website.  They normally update every week but they will dissect every chapter. They seriously make you think of things that you have never thought about before! They will also mention news about the movies.

You can also follow them on Twitter. It is @Hungergamespod or you can just go to our Twitter and look under the people we follow.

Another really cool podcast is the Fireside Chat. You can look most of their topics on Youtube. They normally talk about questions brought up while reading the books like "Were Cato and Clove in a relationship." (By the way, I did a post on this too!)

You could also start your own podcast and upload it to the internet or iTunes. I am seriously not experienced on this so I suggest you do a Google search on it. If you don't know how to Google search, you probably just got a computer. I am so thankful we are your first visit :) But seriously, you can do it! We will even listen to it if you a) tweet the link to us or b) leave it in the comments! Promise!


All of the above opinions are mine. I was not paid or influenced in any way. For more legal stuff, please read the disclaimer.