
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Rereading the Hunger Games!

I know a ton of people that are either rereading the series or joining the craze because of the movie. I must say, I'm one of them!! I just got back from the library and picked up my copy of Hunger Games. I don't own the books yet, but I really want to buy them. I was excited that I got the book again because I have been wanting to reread it since I read it the first time.

Just for fun, I am going to tell you about how I came to meet the HG series.

I always read books that are on the New York Times Bestseller List. Most of all the books I have ever read have been on that list at some point. I kept reading the list and reading about this book called the Hunger Games that was described as "A teenage boy and girl fight in a deadly games on national television." For months, I thought that was a really dumb idea for a book (truth!). I kept seeing it on the list and I was finally like, I'm just gonna get it from the library. I requested it and I was on a list of 43 PEOPLE!! I can't tell you how many times I thought about cancelling the request. The library finally ordered more copies and I got the book. I decided to read it one day on spring break. I sat in my office, in a very uncomfortable chair, and read the entire thing in ONE DAY!! I was in love after that. I didn't know there was more until that June. I got both Catching Fire and Mockingjay from the library and finished the entire series in a week. You don't know how excited I was when I saw all the movie updates and the trailer.

Now, I can't believe that I started it all with thinking it was dumb. I was the dumb one!
