
Monday, December 5, 2011

Cato & Clove

The more I read these books and read Fanfictions, the more I love these characters. I don't want to sound like a total snob for rooting for the Careers, but if anyone besides Katniss & Peeta won, it should've been these two. I love Clove because of everything that she leaves you with. I know that she is amazing and has way more depth. Cato is the same way. The only reason I hate Clove is because she tried to kill Katniss.

I am a total fan of Cove (Cato/Clove)! It seems like they at least liked each other. She screams for Cato while Thresh is killing her. He came to help begging for her to "stay with him." Then, Cato got revenge on Thresh by killing him. I think that this part of the Hunger Games is why so many people don't like Clove:
"We're going to kill you. Just like we did with your pathetic little ally. What was her name? Rue? Well first Rue, then you, and I think we'll let nature take care of lover boy. How does that sound?" - Clove

If you think about this, Clove has been trained her entire life to win the Games. I doubt she is happy that Katniss is stealing her light. I doubt she is all mean, just like Johanna. I am not going to lie know but I was as sad as I was when Rue died. I expected her to last longer than Cato. I realize I am talking way to much about Clove. I just love her!

Cato is pretty much the same deal. I do feel he was reckless with his anger.

Isabella Fuhrman is going to play Clove in the movie. I think she looks exactly like what I pictured!
Alexander Ludwig is going to play Cato in the movie. He also looks really buff like he had trained a lot for the Games!


Here are some links to my favorite Fanfictions about these two:

Clove Unsuspected by Mockingjay272
First and Last by Starsong17
Clove's Last Feast by bigcitylights

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