
Friday, December 2, 2011

Welcome to Burnt Bread!

Hello! If you are reading this, you have landing on the Burnt Bread Blog! Pretty much, we are all a bunch of first time bloggers that love the Hunger Games. We have already read the books so their might be spoilers. I encourage you to click around our website. You can check out our links where all of our favorite YouTube videos and other cool sites are at all about the Hunger Games. Meet The Bloggers is a place where you can read our bios. More awesome bloggers will also start joining the blog soon so keep watch. We also have our Twitter feed which you can also follow! Just go to your Twitter account and search for @BurntBreadBlog. We will be updating on a lot of different stuff and each blogger will get a least 4 posts a week out. If you have any questions, you can comment them on this post. I will respond back! Promise!


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