
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cineplex Magazine - Jennifer Lawrence

In the most recent issue of Cineplex magazine, Jennifer gave an awesome interview and the cover is so pretty!
"Cineplex: Is it true you fell in love with archery?

Jennifer Lawrence: I did. I have a love/hate relationship with archery. It’s a bitch when you mess it up and you hit the inside of your arm and it swells up and it hurts. But then you hit the target, you hit the bull’s eye, it’s the best feeling in the entire world. I really did start to love it.
CP: And is it safe to say you are the best Oscar-nominated tree climber out there?
JL: “Oh, that’s quite a title, but I’ll go for it.”
Cineplex: What’s the secret to being a good tree climber?
JL: “A harness and a wire [laughs]. The secret is I was trained with a specific kind of choreography — this hand goes here, this hand goes there, using these knots to hold onto. And those knots were then transferred over to the tree where they were disguised to look like little knobs in the tree bark. And then it’s just choreography.
CP: Why do you think The Hunger Games has struck a nerve with so many people?
JL: “Because it’s a story that reminds us of the worst part of humanity. We’re living in a world obsessed with reality television and our shock factor is constantly desensitized. It takes more and more to surprise us and interest us, and we feed off of other people’s trauma.”
CP: And then there is Katniss, who represents female empowerment.
JL: “Absolutely, she is a symbol for revolt and hope and freedom. She is this young girl who is forced to do things that are unimaginable. She wants more for the world. She’s kind of a futuristic Joan of Arc.”
CP: There is so much pressure associated with the role — living up to the expectations of the fans, and carrying what may ultimately be three films on your shoulders. What’s that like?
JL: “You can’t really think about that. I mean, I am aware of it and I appreciate it, understand its gravity, but you can’t think about it too much or it’ll freak ya out.”
Read the entire article here.

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