
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tracker Jackers Scene

In an interview with MTV, Gary Ross talked about his hardest part of making the movie: the Tracker Jackers scene.

"That's a vertical sequence, literally staged over 100 vertical feet. You have the Careers on the ground. You have Katniss on one level in a tree, and you have Rue in another tree up here. You have the tracker jacker nest up here, and the crew is going up and down this tree the entire time, and you have all these axis to cut together into one taut, suspenseful sequence. And you have CG insects. This is not for the faint of heart. I think my shot list was like 110 set ups or something like that. We're building scaffolding. This was shot practically in trees - none of this was shot on the computer. That was a daunting and challenging sequence that required a lot of attention."

He also said that the emotional scenes between characters also required attention.

I am so excited to see this scene because it sounds like they paid a lot of attention to it!

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