
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Quiz: Who Is Your Hunger Games Style Icon? has a quiz on their website that will help you decide who to dress up as when you go see the movie! Or you can just find your fashion icon. It is really fun and I got Effie - Flowery Fashionista. The description reads, "Wait, was that you front row at Fashion Week? Fashion is your life and you pride yourself on being the girl everybody looks to for what's hot right now. You live to color coordinate and, like Effie, you love girly flowers and anything pink. From the top of her perfectly placed wig to the tips of her high heels, Effie is always fashion forward and sets all the trends in the Capitol." Other possible outcomes are:

Cinna - Mad for Metallic: "Even though Cinna isn't the one wearing all the fashions doesn't mean he isn't one of the biggest fashionist-os in the Capitol! You love fashion, but more to look at and admire than actually wear. You prefer the little embellishments like hints of metallics here and there with a few key pieces of jewelry. Oh, and don't forget about that signature gold eyeliner..."

Caesar - Glitzy Glam: "You love glitter, sparkles and anything that shimmers. Like Caesar, you like your clothes to shine as much as your personality. You're so versatile that you can change your hair and still look fab in whatever color you want. We love that you can show your individuality through your fiery fashion sense!"

Katniss - Boho Warrior: "Like Katniss, you just have better things to do than dress up. You like to feel cozy and just wear whatever works with the fun activity you're out doing. Katniss is the type of girl that just kind of goes with what works for her, stylewise. You know what works for you so why be bothered with all the trends when there's so much else going on, right?!"

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