
Monday, February 20, 2012

Become a District Stylist!

The Capitol is looking for new staff. President Snow is wanting to hire some new stylists:

"Need some inspiration to prove to Capitol Couture that you've got style? Look no further than your feet!
In the first District Style Challenge, presented in partnership with, we're looking for designs for shoes inspired by your District. Once your design is ready, click below to submit it to Capitol Couture for our judges to consider. One lucky designer will win a pair of shoes sure to turn heads every time the winner wears them around their District's Square!
But don't get discouraged just because there's only one prize per District Style Challenge - our Capitol judges will be selecting twelve talented designers to serve the Capitol as Stylists as well! These twelve fashion forward citizens will receive a decorative DIP and lend their fashion sense to future issues of Capitol Couture.
Think of the pride you'll feel when you tell your friends, family, and fellow citizens that you're an official Capitol stylist!"

Submit your designs here!
The contest is open to all US residents over the age of 18.

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