
Monday, January 16, 2012

Who I Think Should Play Who in Catching Fire


My Top Picks: Logan Lerman, Taylor Lautner, David Henrie
My Pick: Logan Lerman (I understand he is Percy Jackson but seriously, he looks just like Finnick!)

My Top Picks: Emma Stone, Miley Cyrus, Kristen Bell
My Pick: I really don't know!! I just hope it is someone good because I love Johanna!


My Top Picks: Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez, Nicole Anderson
My Pick: Selena Gomez (I think she looks like Annie in my mind, she has to be around the same age as Finnick, and I think she would rock the role!)

Those are my favorite picks for the casting!! Comment with your favorite cast selections!

To Sum it all up: Finnick - Logan Lerman, Johanna- no idea, Annie - Selena Gomez
Plus, what Lolena fan wouldn't want to see some on screen romance!
