
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Plants in the Hunger Games

This post is inspired by my recent trip to Home Depot. I went to Home Depot looking for a light bulb for my Norwegian lamp but I came out with something totally different. So, I parked on the wrong side of the store so I have to walk to the other end where they have lamps. Right in the middle of an aisle, they have a huge cart and this cart has a sign on it. The sign says "Primroses! $1.98! Great for windowsills!" Well, right now I'm less concerned about my empty windowsill and I am more concerned about the fact that I just found the plant that Prim in the Hunger Games was named after. So, I bought it. Pictures!
The primrose I bought and some candles from Ikea that also happened to get in the picture. 
The one that I bought happened to be bright pink but they have many more colors like white and yellow. So, what does everyone else's look like?

Katniss - an aquatic plant that grow in small patches near water
Photo Credit: Buttery Books

Rue - this plant mainly grows in South Asia and are about 20  cm tall. They are used for healing.
Photo Credit: Flower Info

I might do more posts about where all the names came from but this was just for the people named after flowers! I know Latin so I might do one on all the Latin names! 
