
Sunday, January 22, 2012

What To Do After You've Read The HG: Other Books

Yeah, a new post in this series! Today, I am going to focus on a really good book that I highly suggest you should read. It has most of the same ideas of the Hunger Games with a few different ideas that make it different from the HG series. This book is called Matched by Ally Condie. 

Matched is about a girl, Cassia, that lives in a futuristic world (like Panem.) In this world, everything is set to be the perfect world. The government chooses who you marry, how many children you have, what your job is, and when and how you die. You are married to another person, normally in a different area than you live, by a banquet that they match your information with another person's to make sure you have a good life and you are able to have children. Cassia gets matched with her best friend, Xander. When they are matched, they get a chip with information about their partner. Cassia loads her chip onto her computer machine, another boy's face comes up, Ky, another boy who is an outcast and he is not allowed to be matched. You can guess where we are going with this right? Yes, she finds herself falling in love with Ky against the ways of the government. 

This book is the first in a series of three books. I am on the wait list at our library for the second book, so I will post my review. 

Comment if you have read the series!

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