
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Tribute Sundays? - Enobaria

I'm late this week! Super sorry!

Name: Enobaria
Age: 30 - ish
Job: Tribute, Mentor
District: 2
Weapon: Teeth, knife
Fate: Alive
Books In: Catching Fire, Mockingjay
Friends: other Careers
Enemies: Johanna, Katniss, Peeta
Hunger Games: 62nd and 75th

Notes: She volunteered for the Games and was 17 when she won. She would rip tributes' throats out with their teeth. (disgusting!) She had her teeth sharpened and plated with gold.

She is the only Career tribute to survive two games and one of two to survive the rebellion (Annie is the other.)

She was chased away from Beetee by Finnick, but the two returned together and began searching. Since they were not fighting to the death, Finnick probably told her about the rebellion while they fought.

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