
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Michael Arndt In Talks to Rewrite Script for "Catching Fire"

With a new director already found, Catching Fire is moving ahead full steam. The original script, written by Simon Beaufoy and Suzanne Collins, is going to be reworked. Michael Arndt (Toy Story 3) is in talks to write the script.

Michael Arndt, who won an Oscar for his screenplay for Little Miss Sunshine and penned Toy Story 3, is in talks with Lionsgate to work on the high-profile sequel to The Hunger Games, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter.The sequel is barreling towards a late summer production start. While Lionsgate doesn’t yet have a deal with Arndt, if he signs on, he will have to work double-time to get the script ready due to a squeezed schedule caused by star Jennifer Lawrence’s commitment to Fox’s X-Men: First Class sequel. (That tight schedule was one reason why Ross declined to take on the project.)
Arndt, repped by Verve, also worked on Order of the Seven, Disney’s upcoming internationally-themed action movie.
Scripts are often reworked before one is chosen to be the one that is said on screen. What do you think of Michael's possible work with the script? 

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