
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Finnick is "Dream Role" for Trevor Donovan

The 90210 actor now wants to be the part of Finnick Odair, which is the most talked about role for the next movie. He has been endorsed by Perez Hilton and said:
I’m humbled and honored, but most of all excited, because Mario [Lavandeira, a.k.a. Perez] is a good guy. All actors have a dream role; playing Finnick Odair is mine. I know the odds are stacked against me. I’ll be going up against big stars like Zac Efron and Armie Hammer, but you know what, I want it more and am very passionate about it, it’s not just another job to me, it’s much more than that. I’m not saying that it is for them. I was a fan before anyone knew the Hunger Games series would be made into movies.  I read all the books the day they first came out and knew right there and then I wanted to play Finnick. I’m definitely the underdog in this race, but I’m committed and going to give it all I’ve got. As Effie Trinket says, “May the odds be ever in your favor.”
What do you think of him? I haven't seen him acting but I do like that he is a huge fan of the series, as most of the cast already was.

Source: Advocate

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