
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Kalia Prescott in Regard Magazine

Kalia Prescott is featured in the newest issue of Regard Magazine. She plays the District 3 tribute. Check out some pictures and a small interview!

The Hunger Games is said to be the most anticipating film of the year. How does it feel to be a part of such a huge phenomenon?It’s an incredible honor. I’m so ecstatic to be one of the selected few that gets to be a part of this amazing book trilogy/turned film. The fact that it is so well received by the fans is very rewarding. I was a huge fan of the book before I even knew a movie would be made.
Without giving us all the juicy details and telling us what happens, what can you tell us about your character in The Hunger Games?  My character is the tribute from District 3, which is the technology and electronics district. My character is very vulnerable, and weaker than most of the other tributes. Unfortunately, I don’t make it very far in the games.
Check out some more here. 
Source: @KaliaPrescott

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