
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Josh Hutcherson Wants to Change the World

Josh HutchersonAt last night's GLAAD Media Awards, Josh Hutcherson was the youngest award winner for the Vanguard Award. During his acceptance speech, he talked about his desire to "change the world."

"I’m sick of saying the words gay and lesbian,” Hutcherson said. “It’s just people…One day I want my son to come home from school and be like, ‘Dad, I found this guy and I love him.’ And I’ll be like, ‘Yes, you do and that’s OK!’ I so want that.”
He also said he wants to continue his fight to support equal rights for gays and lesbians through Straight But Not Narrow, a nationwide organization of straight supporters of gay rights. “I’ll hopefully make a million more movies but this is what I want to do with my life, changing the world and hopefully change what people think,” he said, adding, “Everybody just be yourself and encourage everyone to do the same.”
GLAAD’s new president Herndon Graddick said of Hutcherson, “I think it shows the changing of the times. He’s a 19-year-old actor, who even before The Hunger Games, formed his own organization to support gay rights. It shows you that young people are over this particular issue. I think it’s huge.”
Source: E Online

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