
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day + Ways To Be Green

Happy Earth Day! Today, we bring you thirteen tips to living a greener life - straight from the districts of Panem.

District 1 (luxury) - Buy handmade jewelry from Etsy and local craft sellers.

District 2 (masonry) - Use bricks that were made eco-friendly. CalStar bricks are a great brand.

District 3 (technology) - Donate your electronics when you are done. When shopping for new ones, see if they have the Energy Star label. 

District 4 (fishing) - Make sure that you don't throw your trash into the ocean while at the beach. Organize a beach cleanup.

District 5 (power) - Use less power by plugging your devices into a power strip. 

District 6 (transportation) - Take the bus, walk, bike or arrange a car pool to get to where you need to be. When you are driving your own car, buy a hybrid and look  for greener cars. 

District 7 (lumber) - Plant a tree! Recycle paper.

District 8 (textiles) - Try to buy eco-friendly clothing made from natural cotton.

District 9 (grain) - Buy organic breads, pastas, and other grain products.

District 10 (livestock) - Buy organic meat that use less chemicals. Try to buy locally if you can.

District 11 (agriculture) - Buy organic fruits and vegetables. See if you can buy from a farmer's market. This will also support local farmers, less packaging, and less transportation.

District 12 (coal mining) - Make sure to always put out any fires right after you are done while camping to stop forest fires.

The Capitol - Green is the new black! Stay fashionable by using makeup with recycled packaging.

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