
Friday, April 6, 2012

Gary Ross - Back On?

After the earlier rumor, we have reports now that nothing was official! Gary Ross is not signed on nor has he declined the movie.

"Breathe (a little) easier Hunger Games fans!
While many have expressed their devastation at the news that director Gary Ross would not be returning to direct its sequel, Catching Fire, a source close to the situation tells Celebuzz that “nothing is official.”
After some lengthy negotiations, many are citing Gary’s film-making eye to be the main reason he would consider not coming back, not money.
Gary has directed a number of varying projects from Pleasantville to Seabiscuit, and The Playlist is reporting that the “burning desire simply isn’t there to spend another couple of years with Katniss in the Capitol.”
We know that we’re rooting for Gary to come back, Catching Fire just wouldn’t be the same without him!
What do you guys think? Do you want Gary to direct CF? Or would you like to see someone else take a shot? Sound off in the comments!"
Source: Celebuzz

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