
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Josh Hutcherson Talks Social Media

Josh Hutcherson and his co-star, Shanley Caswell, talked about their new movie Detention, social media, 90's pop, and more.

On social media:
Funnily enough, for a film in which the characters make a point of talking to one another via text, Twitter and other electronic forms of communication, neither actor is particularly well-versed in social media. “I don’t tweet, I don’t Facebook, I don’t live in that kind of high-tech world,” Hutcherson said. “[But] you know what everyone is doing all of the time – and this movie definitely captures that.” (Hutcherson actually does have a Twitter account, @jhutch1992 , but he uses it infrequently.)
Caswell added, “I’m in college now, and a college student is always moving and always doing stuff on their phone. That’s what their lives are.”
On Detention’s portrayal of High School
“I’ve never really seen a more honest portrayal of what high schools are like in modern times,” he said. “I feel like sometimes I read a script and it’s written by some fifty year old guy in his basement and he is trying to sound like a teenager and it never works. With Joseph’s writing, he really knows what young people are like in today’s day and age. And it really came through in the story, I felt.”
Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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