
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Robert Pattinson Reacts to "Catching Fire" Rumors

You probably already seen the rumors about Robert Pattinson and Catching Fire. It seemed that Lionsgate was going after Robert Pattinson for the role of Finnick.  We tried to ignore it, but his response was that he was as surprised as the fans!

“I woke up this morning and saw all these things about me being cast in The Hunger Games,” Pattinson tells USA TODAY. “I was kind of curious for a second. So I called my agent.”
The response?
“My agent was like, ‘No,’ ” Pattinson reports.
“(My agent) was like no one’s going to offer you that part,” Pattinson says, breaking into a laugh. “I was like, thanks for the reassurance.”
So, the truth has come! Robert Pattinson isn't playing Finnick or being asked to play the role.

Source: USA Today

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